As we close out 2018 and head into a brand New 2019 I reflect on what worked and what I am proud of from this past year to my goals for 2019. The word resolutions comes to mind as I can see from all the media that we talk about new health plan and goals. Yes i do think this is greta but most of resolutions don’t even make it to the end of January before they are forgotten.
Every Year I set up my Simplified Daily planner by Emily Ley. I can’t tell you how important a planner is for my life and I suggest it to any and everyone. Its my life, assistant, basically my version of the most important thing in my life. Call it mom brain but I literally have to write everything down or I won’t remember but it also keeps me accountable and on the right track. I find this important for my goals of that year. I spend sometime setting it up with all the important info I need for that year, but also my goals are in there too. I highly recommend this planner as I have searched and tried so many different ones but have been using this one for about 5 years now. I use the daily one but she also has weekly as well.
I think a huge part of our success with our yearly goals is to hold ourselves accountable and have it written and look at it frequently and thats why I also like to have my planner all filled out because I look at it daily.
This year I have some bug goals for myself and my business and when I first started to write it out it was overwhelming because it seems like a lot but if you look at it like I have 365 days to get this done then it is not so bad. We each have the power to start fresh with a clean slate and write our own story.
I am going to share my goals with you below and would love for you to share your goals with me as we can help hold each other accountable to succeed.
- Continue to grow my business and clients/customers
- Continue to grow my team and coach my team to success
- My peloton bike every morning( do you have one? lets be friends on there)
- Take time for myself as Jenna not just as Chloe’s mom which means putting myself out there in the world of dating (scary)
- Put down the phone after a certain time and just spend quality time with my little Chloe ( this is hard because I am a go go answer all emails and text right away)
- Travel and continue to check of my bucket list
So there you have it, I am going to put myself out there more and even if that means I am scared, I am going to do it.
So what are your goals for 2019? I want to know?
Happy 2019! May this be your best year ever!