This is the best #sidegig one could have ever have because they literally give you everything you need! I mean you have a virtual assistant name Mimi who does it all for you. You will have your own website for customers to shop, so no shipping items to customers or having to stock inventory that you don’t know if it will sell. They literally take all the worry and doubt out of everything that it takes to start a new business.

So if you are like me and was not sure if this #sidegig is for you…..I am laying it all out here and if you know me then you know that I have no filter and tell the truth like it is……So here it goes:
The cost to sign up is $149 and that includes EVERYTHING!
– For the first 2 Stylist that contact me to join the #bossbabe team, I have a special code for you.
– The business is really built around you doing you, which means whatever your goals are, that is exactly how it works. They have incentive programs and a very large reward program but its all up to you and what you feel comfortable doing. The great things is there is a ton of training to help and not only that you will have me to help through the whole thing but, there is also a lot of #stellasisters to help as well. We are one big family! If your like I want all the rewards then let me tell you that if you sell $500 in 30 days which is super doable by having your own style session or just sending some shopping carts to friends you will most likely hit an even larger target than you set out to do.
– They send you a business in a box with personal website, customized training, best in class digital assistant(mimi) & other marketing tools.
– The discount is something I have never seen 25%-50% off and oh yeah you get to earn all the free product too! Hello FREE Shopping spree!
– If you decide to really go for it in your first 60 days you are able to earn cash bonus and more product credit for that free shopping spree.
– No monthly minimums! (You Do You)
– You sell at whatever you want. For instance some months I sell $500 and some I sell over $4,000. It really is all based on your schedule and what i want to do. The great thing is this stylist gig works around your life.
- So the most common question I get is, Jenna I have never sold anything before? Thats the great thing about this is that there is all the training you need and really its as simple as this, how many times have you worn something to work, out with friends, The grocery store…the list goes on and on when someone says I love that earrings and necklace, where did you get it from? With doing this side gig you can now say, Thank you its from my boutique and I can send you the link. Yes its that easy with our assistant Mimi. In real time you can send the shopping cart to the person who then can purchase right then in there. Think of this as an affiliate link. Fear not, if you have more questions, I am always here to help every step of the way.
– Once you become a stylist, I will have you join our team pages where there is even more help that you can ask besides me just incase you want to see what others are doing or get ideas from the team of how they are doing there #sidegig but, most of all you get to make new friends all over the place.

Then Click here and if they need you to enter my stylist name just enter Chloemadisonla
I can’t wait to go to Nashville next year with all the #bossbabes and if you have any questions or want more info? Comment below and I will get back with you ASAP!