New Year means a fresh clean slate of 365 days to do great things. If you are like most people who could use extra money to pay all those credit card bills from the Holiday that are now coming in, it’s a great time to get your side hustle on! Most people now rely on a second job known as the side hustle for their daily life needs. This money they use to pay car payments, insurance, sports or dance lessons for the kids, you name it basically anything they need that there day job does not provide.
I love that the opportunity with Stella & Dot provides the flexibility and that I can work form anywhere via my phone. They give you all the tools that you need, including an app that is your digital virtual assistant with pictures and sharing a cart with anyone. Think I am out and about in my daily life wearing something great and someone stops and says I love that necklace and or top. You can literally send them a picture with a cart with all the items in it and they can check out with PayPal right there! It’s that simple. That is something I love, it takes the hard work of carrying inventory that you don’t know if it will sell. The possibilities are endless with this.
Another aspect is you can earn free style by just sharing with it and the best part is you are earning commissions of 25%-32% and bonuses. You can choose to bring along friend and build a team and earn commissions on your team or not build a team. The way you work your business is totally up to you and how much you want to earn!
I have really enjoyed this opportunity as I even got to travel to my bucket list Nashville and walk in a fashion show. I also love our boss babe team and the sisterhood and community we have built.
Oh, and did I mention that you also get discounts of 50% off. I mean you’re going to shop anyway you might as well being shopping your own boutique, right?
There is amazing special from Jan 8- Feb 5th, where it is only $99 to start and that gets you $500 Shopping Spree of your choice or $199 kit gets you $1,000 Shopping spree. I mean you know that this cheaper than a Target trip plus you’re going to make money $.
The thing is you can’t fail if you don’t try and 2019 is the year we are going BIG! I want you to be part of our growing boss babe team and you will have me as your coach. I promise it’s so much fun!
If you would like more info and or ready to be part of the boss babe team all you have to do is email me jenna@cmla.blog or sign up now
Or you can schedule a time right here to ask all the questions you might have
I can’t wait to do BIG things in 2019 with you!
This is so cool. I had no idea about all the features it has to offer! Great post!
Thank you and yes so awesome, let me know if you have any questions!
Stell and Dot sounds like an amazing opportunity! I will have to look into it!
Stella and dot sounds like a good opportunity!
I got good info from your blog