Since everyone is working from home, I thought I would share my routine and how I have worked from home for the last 10+ Years. During this time at home the only thing that has changed for me in my working environment is that I am now working while trying to also be a Kindergarten teacher and I am no longer traveling every week. When working from home it’s easy to get caught up and kind of what we call lazy or that blah feeling maybe is a better word. I am a Type A personality which is good and bad. If you are a Type A then you know what I am talking about. Ok so I am total planner like I want to know exactly what is happening and when so I can plan. If you have been here a while then you know that I always talk about my Emily Ley Simplified planner, I can’t live without this. I have been using a planner for a long time and I have tried so many and this is by far my favorite. This helps me with having to know what has to get done and when. The best part is the TO DO List on each day.  This makes you accountable and like a little check list. I think something else that is so important is that you wake up every morning and get ready as if you are going to an office. I know this might sound silly, but I swear your mood and whole day is a lot better and you just feel more productive. I know the days of just waking up and being in PJ’s all day is awesome and don’t get me wrong some days I do but I will tell you those are the days my drive is just not there. You ask why Jenna should I get dressed when we are staying home with nowhere to go? It will help you feel like you are doing your normal routine. 

Before moving into my new house, I really did not have an office space which sucked because when you are a single mom who works full time from home can be really hard. In the last couple of weeks being my daughters Kindergarten teacher has me working more than ever. I am very grateful I made sure when we moved right before this shelter in place order, I knew the first room I set up was going to be my office and I did it pretty quick and affordable. This is also a huge help to me as I know it’s a place I work, it is a different space from where we hang out when not doing work. If you are not able to have a room to do this in and trust me, I have been there before, I would make some kind of space whether it be at the Kitchen table or corner in the hallway and make it the workstation. I also did this for my daughter I created her table with all of the supplies she needs for her schoolwork so that she also that space and knows the difference between play area and work area. 

The most important part is keeping a schedule, and this can be hard because everything is thrown off. I have kept my daughter’s bedtime the same as if she was going to school and getting her up the same time we would have as well. My daughter is only 5 so it has been a struggle to explain this is school time just like if you were in your teachers’ class. Trust me it’s been very hard in this house but after many meltdowns and having to take many breaks we have gotten into a groove. Something that has helped is if we get this work done, we can jump on the trampoline or whatever it is that your child likes. 

I hoped this sparked some ideas and helped you get through this new way of life we are in. We are all in this together and know this too shall pass! We can do this! I need this reminder too and we are better together and to all my #singlemoms out there you got this, and we can do hard things! 

