I know we are all home and probably wondering what to do while we are at home. I guess the timing for me was good in one way as we just had moved and to be honest I was so stressed because I was in my busy travel season of flying every week and had no idea how and when I was going to unpack and get everything organized and then this Covid 19 stay at home order happened. At first, I was like ok this is going on but work and school and all the other things we have to do will go on. My work had sent out messages and because the line of work I do is with schools across the country we were busy. They had not placed the do not travel order yet. And then just like that I tried to stay calm and figure this out as I am one of those that has a compromised immune system because of my pre-existing condition. I am always on heightened level of germs and very cautious as I have lived like this for a long time. This was something scarier though because the amounts of the unknown. I have always worked from home so that part was no different except that I now became my daughter’s teacher overnight which is challenging because I am also trying to work at the same time. This will be a learning curve for all of us for sure. We can do this and to my single parents out there, give yourself some grace this is not easy. 

Things that I have been doing that has helped me is we all have the never ending To Do List…. you know the one you keep saying you are going to do but always find a way not to? Well I am taking the challenge on to get my house organized and ready for when we do return to our normal schedules. I have taken on the challenge to organize the closet and make my office functional and ready for me to be able to get work. 

I have found some amazing products to help me get Organized and hope this can help you fill that time at home.

Stay Safe and Most OF ALL STAY HOME! This too Shall Pass!